Does God Have A Plan for You?
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Does God have a plan for you—or is your future open?

One of the most promoted themes (or fear factors) in American popular Christianity is “God has a plan for your life.” Accompanying this is, “Make sure you’re walking in this plan or else….” Throughout a large part of Christendom as well as other approaches to life is the notion that life is fatalistic, “Qué será,…

The Ultimate (and Hastening) End of the USA

The Ultimate (and Hastening) End of the USA

by Steve Kindle The recent assault on our nation’s Capitol building with the intent to overturn a free and undisputed victory reveals more than a growing dissatisfaction with the American experiment. It also presages the end of our Republic.   The rise and fall of civilizations is a cycle that recurs throughout history. Historians from Gibbon…

We Need New Lyrics for “They’ll Know We Are Christians”

by Steve Kindle “They’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love….” In our pluralistic times (thankfully), coupled with expansive worldwide media coverage, we have witnessed on a broad scale how people separated by faith traditions and miles reach out to strangers in compassionate service. In India, Sikhs protect Muslims from terroristic beatings….

The Book of Revelation and the Failure of Apocalyptic Theology

by Steve Kindle My friend and honored blogger, Dr. Bob Cornwall, wrote a piece about the book of Revelation that encourages us to look at the brighter side of apocalyptic, the new creation. I wrote a response. You can find both (including replies) here:…/apocalypse-as-message-of… Spoiler alert: He finds hope in apocalyptic theology; I don’t….

How to Avoid the Literalist Trap

How to Avoid the Literalist Trap

by Steve Kindle It is said that the Bible can be used to prove anything. We’ve got all sorts of millennialists, faith healers, prosperity preachers, last days theorists, and even flat-earthers., just to name a few. They all claim biblical authority and will painstakingly point out why. There are Pentecostals (Jimmy Swaggart), anti-Pentecostals (John MacArthur),…