Jesus Versus Caesar: The Conflict of Empires Continues
The complete webinar video can be ordered here:![]()
The New Testament may be the most important political document ever written. It displays for all to see how Jesus’ understanding of the Realm of God was diametrically opposed to Rome’s notion of Empire. But unless the Empire’s influence is moved from lurking in the background to front and center of the New Testament, we miss seeing what Jesus came to teach us.
John Dominic Crossan said that “The Kingdom of heaven is what the world would look like if God were on Caesar’s throne.” This is in stark contrast to the world Jesus was born into and in which we all live. This webinar will display the driving motivations of each and challenge us to live out Jesus’ prayer, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
The Webinar Video Includes
PART 1: An overview of the Roman Empire and its notions of power, piety, and purpose
How they clash with Jesus’ understanding of the Realm of God
Q and A
PART 2: The Gospels and the Roman Empire
How Jesus undermined Rome’s influence with his message of equality, servanthood, and self-sacrificing love, and why this led to his death
Q and A
PART 3: Paul’s Epistles and the Book of Revelation
How Paul built his congregations on Jesus’ understanding of God’s intentions for the world, and how ours can learn from it
Q and A
PART 4: The Powers and Principalities: Empire in our day
How the values of the Roman Empire continue to corrupt governments today, including our own. Why the message of Jesus continues to inflame the powers and principalities, yet can be their salvation
Q and A
Did you know:
To pray the Lord’s Prayer put one’s life in danger in Bible times?
Jews couldn’t walk a mile without a reminder that Rome owned them?
Jesus was executed as an enemy of the state because he was an enemy of the state?
“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,” is one of the most misunderstood sayings of Jesus, and how its true meaning is an act of sedition? And the marching orders for the church?
We will address these questions and more.
This webinar uncovers Rome’s presence and Jesus’ opposition to it throughout the New Testament
and leads to a rich understanding of the gospel then and our place in the world now.
The complete webinar video can be ordered here: