These “Doorways” videos may be purchased individually at $15 each

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Walk Your Congregation or Yourself through a Doorway into Progressive Christianity

“Doorways into Progressive Christianity” are just that: significant ways to introduce progressive Christian themes to congregations and individuals. This is done in part by looking at the implications of a literal understanding of a text, and then offering alternative possibilities. We make comparisons of the biblical worldview with our modern-scientific one which draws out the reality that the Bible is a product of its time and needs to be translated into our own.  This produces many an “aha” moment. An illustrative Study Guide accompanies each video.

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“What Is Progressive Christianity?”
Available Now

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“Adam and Eve: Reading their story as ours”
Available Now

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“The Three-tiered Universe: The biblical view of the cosmos”Available Now

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“Apocalyptic Theology: The recurring failure of the ages”–Available Now

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“Jesus Versus Caesar: The struggle continues”
Available Now

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“Is My Bible (Translation) Any Good?”
Available Now

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“The Authority of the Bible: How it functions in today’s world”–Available July 2019

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“Stewardship: How God is recreating the world” Available August 2019

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“The Source of Biblical Disagreements:
Why we disagree about the Bible”

Available September 2019

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“Salvation : From what and for what? An examination of the human condition”
Available October 2019

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“Is Jesus the Only Savior? What about the other world religions?”
Available November 2019

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“Living into the Open Future with God: Why life isn’t programmed, fatalistic, or preordained”
Available December 2019