I’m Right and You’re Wrong!
By Steve Kindle

This book differs from most in that rather than looking at how to interpret the Bible properly, we’ll examine the sources of disagreement among interpreters. We all have our own ways of trying to understand the Bible and they are close to our hearts. Many of us think our way is superior to most, if not all. But we will not venture into who is right and who is wrong in our interpretations. What concerns us here is why we interpret the way we do and what our attitude should be toward those with whom we disagree.

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Marriage Equality: Why It’s Good for the Church and Nation
By Steve Kindle

Support for marriage equality is booming across America and the world. As people become more acquainted with gays and lesbians, they find their attitudes shifting and are rethinking their opposition not only to same-sex marriage but to gay rights in general.

This book introduces the gay community to those who want to know more about their lives, their struggles, and their pursuit of full equality. If you are giving this serious thought, and want reliable information, this book is for you. It is also for LGBTs who wonder if God loves them and if any Christians are on their side. They will find that the Bible and God are very much on their side.

I Know All Are Welcome at the Table by Janice Springer
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I Know We’re All Welcome at the Table, But Do I Have to Sit Next to You?
By Janice Springer

The world today is filled with angry voices, voices that often call for isolation and even violence against those who differ from us by race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or lifestyle. At the same time there are many voices that call for us to change, to make peace, to open ourselves up to others and hear what they’re saying. Most of these voices bring religious arguments to bear on the issue.

Rev. Janice Springer goes a step, indeed several steps, further. She tells us how to reach out, how to pray, to interact, and indeed to change ourselves. This book provides a powerful approach to creating new, peaceful relationships and learning to live together while celebrating our differences and growing from them.

The book includes guides to study, exercises, activities, and a sample program for a retreat.

Process Theology for the Perplexed by Bruce Epperly

Process Theology: A Guide for the Perplexed
by Bruce Epperly

This is the perfect book to deepen your understanding of Process theology.

This text provides an accessible introduction to process theology, aimed at nurturing the theological imagination of undergraduates, pastors, and interested laypersons. It describes the major themes of process theology and relates them to the everyday lives and spiritual commitments of people today. In addition to addressing traditional theological issues, Epperly addresses cutting-edge issues in theology and ethics such as pluralism and postmodernism, matters of life and death, science (technology and genetics), and emerging forms of Christianity. This text is designed for seminary and university classes as well as congregational study.

Living the Questions by David M. Felton
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Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity
by Pastors David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy

Pastors David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy, along with an all-star cast of Bible scholars and top church teachers, provide a primer to a church movement that encourages every Christian to “live the questions” instead of “forcing the answers.” Based on the bestselling DVD course of the same name, Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity includes commentary from such bestselling authors as Diana Butler Bass, John Shelby Spong, Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, Brian McLaren, and others. Tackling issues of faith and controversial subjects such as the church’s position on homosexuality, Living the Questions is the most comprehensive, indeed the only survey of progressive Christianity in existence today.